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- /* Käytetty Cantor artikkelin (Zöözi kanttori) kuvien tuottamiseen
- parametrina annetaan - tai ei anneta - 1, 2 tai 3...*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <graphics/rastport.h>
- #include <graphics/view.h>
- typedef struct Screen Screen;
- typedef struct Window Window;
- typedef struct IntuiMessage IntuiMessage;
- Screen *Scr;
- Window *Win;
- #define MAXX 640
- #define MAXY 256
- #define depth 4
- #define scrid 0x8000 //0x0000 // //0x89024
- #define RP Win->RPort
- int cols;
- struct TmpRas TmpRas;
- PLANEPTR Pointer;
- #define RASX MAXX
- double koord[10];
- UBYTE AreaBuffer[(5+1)*5];
- struct AreaInfo AreaInfo;
- struct Library *DiskfontBase;
- #define fkor 8
- struct TextAttr myfontattr= /* vaihda toinen fontti ... */
- {
- "Topaz.font", /* Name of the font. */
- fkor, /* Height (in pixels) */
- FS_NORMAL, /* Style */
- FPF_DISKFONT /* Exist on Disk. */
- };
- struct TextFont *myfont;
- char title[256]={"Murtolukujen numerointi."};
- struct NewScreen Ns = {
- 0, /* LeftEdge */
- 0, /* TopEdge */
- MAXX, /* Width */
- MAXY, /* Height */
- depth, /* Depth */
- 0, /* DetailPen */
- 4, /* BlockPen */
- scrid, /* ViewModes */
- CUSTOMSCREEN, /* Type */
- NULL, /* Font */
- title, /* Title */
- NULL, /* Gadget */
- NULL /* BitMap */
- };
- struct NewWindow Nw = {
- 0, /* LeftEdge */
- 0, /* TopEdge */
- MAXX, /* Width */
- MAXY, /* Height */
- 0, /* DetailPen */
- 1, /* BlockPen */
- NULL, /* FirstGadget Ei käyttöä. */
- NULL, /* CheckMark Ei customia */
- title, /* Title */
- NULL, /* Screen Asetetaan screenin avauksen jälkeen*/
- NULL, /* BitMap Ei custom-bitmappia */
- 0, /* MinWidth Ei käyttöä koska ei SIZEGADGETtiä*/
- 0, /* MinHeight */
- 0, /* MaxWidth */
- 0, /* MaxHeight */
- };
- double slev0,slev,rkor,rkor0;
- float sX(float s)
- {
- return(slev0+s*slev);
- }
- float rY(float r)
- {
- return(rkor0+r*rkor);
- }
- float kiertoX(float alfa,float x,float y)
- {
- x=slev*x;
- y=slev*y;
- return(cos(alfa)*x+sin(alfa)*y*1.9);
- }
- float kiertoY(float alfa,float x,float y)
- {
- x=slev*x;
- y=slev*y;
- return(-sin(alfa)*x/1.9+cos(alfa)*y);
- }
- void myexit(void);
- main(ac, av)
- int ac;
- char *av[];
- {
- printf("Cantor2.exe 1, 2 tai 3\n");
- int para=atoi(av[1]);
- if (para < 1 || para>3 || ac==1) para=3;
- short notDone = 1;
- atexit(myexit);
- if (Scr = OpenScreen(&Ns)) {
- Nw.Screen = Scr;
- cols=fpow(2.0,depth);
- if (Win = OpenWindow(&Nw)) {
- Pointer=AllocRaster(RASX,MAXY);
- InitTmpRas(&TmpRas,Pointer,RASSIZE(RASX,MAXY));
- RP->TmpRas=&TmpRas;
- InitArea(&AreaInfo,AreaBuffer,(4+1)*5);
- RP->AreaInfo=&AreaInfo;
- //Tehty RGBmaker:lla
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,0,28<<24,63<<24,163<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,1,6<<24,90<<24,185<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,2,246<<24,162<<24,109<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,3,236<<24,246<<24,223<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,4,83<<24,183<<24,144<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,5,255<<24,255<<24,255<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,6,126<<24,73<<24,67<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,7,200<<24,89<<24,57<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,8,236<<24,221<<24,11<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,9,51<<24,178<<24,86<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,10,79<<24,255<<24,0<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,11,222<<24,186<<24,188<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,12,113<<24,165<<24,28<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,13,10<<24,228<<24,132<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,14,155<<24,49<<24,255<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,15,24<<24,139<<24,214<<24);
- SetRGB32(&Scr->ViewPort,16,0<<24,0<<24,0<<24);
- SetAPen(RP,0); /* ruudun tyhjennys */
- RectFill(RP,0,0,MAXX-1 ,MAXY-1);
- DiskfontBase = (struct DiskfontBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "diskfont.library", 0 );
- if( !DiskfontBase )
- myexit();
- myfont = (struct TextFont *) OpenDiskFont( &myfontattr );
- if (!myfont) {
- printf("Fontti puuttuu\n"); myexit();
- }
- SetFont(RP, myfont );
- SetDrMd(RP,0);
- double maxx=MAXX,maxy=MAXY;
- char buf1[256];
- int rvari=5,svari=3;
- slev=1.2*TextLength(RP,"99/99",5);
- slev0=TextLength(RP,"99",2);
- rkor=(0.2+para+(para==3))*fkor;
- rkor0=12+fkor;
- double sara=maxx/slev, rivi=maxy/rkor;
- int i,s=1,r=1, edr=1,eds=1,dr=-1,ds=1,p;
- float nkx,nky,alfa;
- short neg;
- i=1;
- if (para==1) goto yli1;
- do {
- SetAPen(RP,7); //suunta viivat
- nky=(para==3)*0.25+0.25; //0.25 tai 0.5
- nkx=fkor*(0.6+0.6*(para==3));
- for(p=-1;p<2;p++) {
- Move(RP,sX(s-0.5),rY(r-nky)+p);
- Draw(RP,sX(eds-0.5),rY(edr-nky)+p);
- }
- for(p=-2;p<3;p++) {
- Move(RP,p+sX(s-0.5),rY(r-nky));
- Draw(RP,p+sX(eds-0.5),rY(edr-nky));
- }
- //järj. numero ellipsi
- AreaEllipse(RP,sX(s-0.5),rY(r-nky),1.5*fkor,(0.5+0.5*(para==3))*fkor);
- AreaEnd(RP);
- if (r>1 || s>1) {
- nkx=(sX(eds-0.5)+sX(s-0.5))/2;
- float nkyapu=nky;
- nky=(rY(edr-nkyapu)+rY(r-nkyapu))/2;//suuntanuolet
- if (eds != s ) alfa=fatan(-(r-edr)/(s-eds));
- else alfa=fatan(-99);
- neg=1-2*(eds>s);
- SetAPen(RP,8);
- Move(RP,nkx+neg*kiertoX(alfa,-0.1,0.07),nky+neg*kiertoY(alfa,-0.1,0.07));
- Draw(RP,nkx+neg*kiertoX(alfa,0.3,0),nky+neg*kiertoY(alfa,0.3,0));
- Draw(RP,nkx+neg*kiertoX(alfa,-0.1,-0.07),nky+neg*kiertoY(alfa,-0.1,-0.07));
- }
- edr=r;
- eds=s;
- r=r+dr;
- s=s+ds;
- if (r<1) {r=1; dr=1; ds=-1;}
- if (s<1) {s=1; ds=1; dr=-1;}
- } while(r<rivi || s<sara);
- //Sama luuppi uudestaan numerointia varten ja tutkitaan jaollisuus
- double kkapu;
- int a,b,c,syti;
- r=1, s=1;
- edr=1,eds=1,dr=-1,ds=1;
- i=1; syti=0;
- int dx,dy;
- do {
- SetAPen(RP,6);
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",i++); //järjestysnumero
- kkapu=sX(s-1)+(slev-TextLength(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1)))/2;
- Move(RP,kkapu,rY(r-1)+2*fkor);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- if (para<3) goto yli3;
- // Tutkitaan onko yhteisiä tekijöitä, jolloin luku on
- // jo lueteltu: i/j luetellaan aina ennen kuin (n*i)/(n*j)
- // missä n=syt(i,j)
- a=r;b=s;
- if (a<b) {
- a=s;
- b=r;
- }
- c=1;
- while(c!=0) { //a:han tulee a:n ja b:n suurin yhteinen
- //tekijä joka voidaan sieventää a/b:stä
- c=a%b;
- a=b;
- b=c;
- }
- if (a!=1) {
- b=s/a;
- a=r/a;
- }
- else {
- a=r;
- b=s;
- syti++;
- }
- SetAPen(RP,2);
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",syti); // uusi järjestysnumero
- kkapu=sX(s-1)+(slev-TextLength(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1)))/2;
- Move(RP,kkapu,rY(r-1)+3*fkor);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- // sievennetyt r/s
- if (b!=1) {
- sprintf(buf1,"%d/%d",a,b);
- } else {
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",a);
- }
- kkapu=sX(s-1)+(slev-TextLength(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1)))/2;
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",a);
- Move(RP,kkapu,rY(r-1)+4*fkor);
- SetAPen(RP,rvari-1);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- if (b!=1) {
- SetAPen(RP,1);
- Text(RP,"/",1);
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",b);
- SetAPen(RP,svari+6);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- }
- yli3: edr=r;
- eds=s;
- r=r+dr;
- s=s+ds;
- if (r<1) {r=1; dr=1; ds=-1;}
- if (s<1) {s=1; ds=1; dr=-1;}
- } while(r<rivi || s<sara);
- yli1:
- for (r=0; r<rivi;r++) {
- SetAPen(RP,1); //x-viivat
- Move(RP,slev0,rY(r));
- Draw(RP,maxx,rY(r));
- SetAPen(RP,rvari); //rivi-numerot 0-sarakkeella
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",r+1);
- Move(RP,0,rY(r+1)-(rkor-fkor)/2);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- }
- for (s=0; s<sara;s++) { //y-viivat
- SetAPen(RP,1);
- Move(RP,sX(s),rkor0);
- Draw(RP,sX(s),maxy);
- SetAPen(RP,svari); //sarake-numerot 0-rivillä
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",s+1);
- Move(RP,sX(s)+(slev-TextLength(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1)))/2,0.9*rkor0);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- int vi=7,vj=6;
- for (r=0; r<rivi;r++) { // i/j
- /* Tarvittiin neliöiden värityksessä kuvaan 5
- SetAPen(RP,0);
- if (s+1<vi+vj && r+1<vi+vj) {
- SetAPen(RP,9);
- }
- if(r+1<=vi && s+1<=vj) {
- SetAPen(RP,2);
- }
- if (r+s+2==vi+vj) {
- SetAPen(RP,vj);
- }
- if (s+1>vj && r+s+2<vi+vj) {
- SetAPen(RP,7);
- }
- if (r+1>vi && r+s+2<vi+vj) {
- SetAPen(RP,8);
- }
- if (r+1==vi && s+1==vj) {
- SetAPen(RP,10);
- }
- RectFill(RP,sX(s)+1,rY(r)+1,sX(s+1)-1,rY(r+1)-1);
- */
- sprintf(buf1,"%d/%d",r+1,s+1);
- kkapu=sX(s)+(slev-TextLength(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1)))/2;
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",r+1);
- Move(RP,kkapu,rY(r)+fkor);
- SetAPen(RP,rvari);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- SetAPen(RP,1);
- Text(RP,"/",1);
- sprintf(buf1,"%d",s+1);
- SetAPen(RP,svari);
- Text(RP,buf1,strlen(buf1));
- }
- }
- if (para<3) goto yli2;
- // vielä kerran peittoamista varten
- r=1; s=1; dr=-1; ds=1; i=1; syti=0;
- do {
- i++;
- a=r;b=s;
- if (a<b) {
- a=s;
- b=r;
- }
- c=1;
- while(c!=0) { //a:han tulee a:n ja b:n suurin yhteinen
- //tekijä joka voidaan sieventää a/b:stä
- c=a%b;
- a=b;
- b=c;
- }
- if (a!=1) {
- b=s/a;
- a=r/a;
- if (r<=rivi && s<=sara) {
- SetAPen(RP,10);
- for(dy=rY(r-1); dy<=rY(r); dy=dy+2)
- for(dx=sX(s-1)+2*(dy%4); dx<=sX(s); dx=dx+8)
- WritePixel(RP,dx,dy);
- }
- } /*
- else {
- a=r;
- b=s;
- syti++;
- } */
- edr=r;
- eds=s;
- r=r+dr;
- s=s+ds;
- if (r<1) {r=1; dr=1; ds=-1;}
- if (s<1) {s=1; ds=1; dr=-1;}
- } while(r<rivi || s<sara);
- //myfontattr.ta_YSize=11;
- //myfont = (struct TextFont *) OpenDiskFont(&myfontattr);
- //SetFont(RP, myfont );
- yli2:
- while (notDone) { // "Pääluuppi" jossa ei tehdä mitään
- IntuiMessage *imsg;
- WaitPort(Win->UserPort);
- while (imsg = (IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(Win->UserPort)) {
- switch(imsg->Class) {
- notDone = 0;
- break;
- }
- ReplyMsg(&imsg->ExecMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void myexit(void)
- {
- if (Win) {
- CloseWindow(Win);
- Win = NULL;
- }
- if (Scr) {
- CloseScreen(Scr);
- Scr = NULL;
- }
- if (Pointer) FreeMem(Pointer,RASSIZE(RASX,MAXY));
- if( myfont )
- CloseFont( myfont );
- if( DiskfontBase )
- CloseLibrary( DiskfontBase );
- }